New Keyboardist

MELBOURNE, August 2 – The Drowsy Drivers announced today that they would be dismissing Enio Pozzebon from the role of keyboardist, replacing him with his one-day old son, Dante Pozzebon.

Dante, born on Tuesday morning, indicated that he would be happy to assume the roles and responsibilities of his father, provided that the nipples of Katrina Gaskell were made available to him on a regular basis. Since this was no different to Enio’s list of demands, the band agreed happily.

“It’s a great outcome,” enthused singer Casey Bennetto. “We’ve really appreciated having Enio in the group, but it’s time he moved aside for a younger, prettier face. From the band’s point of view, it’s win/win: we can transport Dante in a flight case, and he doesn’t over-egg the pudding all the time.”

Mother and child are doing well. –  [ ]

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