{mosimage}The Drowsy Drivers` "vigorous and
relentless" campaign for a Green Room Award backfired in dramatic
fashion yesterday when they won one.
Swaggering to the stage, lead singer Casey Bennetto thumped the podium
in distraught anger. "What`s all this about?" he cried, and had to be
forcibly restrained from smashing the award (for Best Original Music –
Cabaret) on the floor of Chapel Off Chapel.
"We don`t make our music for the critics," guitarist Justin Ludowyk
sneered at a press conference later in the day, "we only play for the
fans and for the joy of music. And for the sweet, refreshing taste of Cleeland Cola."
"Cleeland Cola?"
keyboardist Enio Pozzebon commented from across the floor, "isn`t that
the great new tangy soft drink I`ve heard so much about?"
"That`s right, Enio," continued Ludowyk smoothly, holding up a shiny
can of carbonated beverage, "it`s the taste sensation sweeping the
nation! Try some today!"
En masse, the Drowsy Drivers laughed at nothing in particular and then
froze in place as a voiceover boomed across the room, talking about Cleeland Cola as "the choice of a Drowsy generation".
Quizzed later about their bizarre behaviour, bassist Cam Rogers
disavowed all knowledge of the incident, but added that "it certainly
does sound like a lip-smackingly tasty treat". He was unable to comment
further, as he was busy rolling around in a large pile of money. – []